It's been a while since the last time I wrote in the blog. My last post told you that I was going to play WOW with some friends. Well, that lasted for 3-4 days then I just couldn't play it anymore. Wow just gave me some weird retro anxiety. :) + I was still enjoying WAR.
That thing has changed now, the sad thing with WAR is because the lack of new updates and content, the game just feels shallow after playing it for a few months. Im not a 100% into PVE but sometimes I want to take a break from all PVP and just do someting different!
The other problem with WAR is the campaign. It pretty much forces you to stand with your 200 mates trying to take a keep that has 200 other guys defending. On top of that, trying this as a ST mdps isn't the most fun thing to do either. :) WAR has always been more about numbers then actual skill. That is sad.
So, time has come to take a mmo-break and play some Fifa12, BF3 and some other xbox games collecting dust. Still haven't completed Red dead redemption.
See you in SWTOR!