But I am still here. Just realised that I haven't posted for a while. Been busy playing... It is actually quite funny from a personal view too have a blog, been able to look back on what you have played and what you thought about the different games you've tried.
After SWTOR was released I've pretty much been playing that game. And I really like it alot! The only downside would be that SWTOR is abit linear. I am missing some of the sandboxing from SWG. Not all, but some.
My main intention were to roll a Commando, but after playing one in late Beta I went for Vanguard instead. Even though I really miss beeing able to off-heal I found the Commando to be to stationary for me. So therefore I rolled Vanguard!
I really love the class! I usually end up regretting my class choice in games, but this time I am hooked. Love the looks, fast pace and the ability to both CC and do good DPS.
My Vanguard is now lvl 46 and at first I specced in the Shield tree, but more recently I have been playing with an Assault specc. Both builds are great in their own way. But currently i'm enjoying Assault specc more. Kinda reminds me about a heavy armored Sabotour from Rift with CC and close ranged abilities. Not to bad, because playing a Saboutour were the only thing I enjoyed in Rift. :D
My current build (Assault):
Here are some pictures from leveling in SWTOR:
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